Risen Chapel's 1st Pastor - Parker Coppock
Bringing with him almost a decade of pastoral ministry experience, Parker was
appointed to Risen Chapel as our first pastor in May 2024.
The son of a Methodist preacher and nurse, Parker is an Ordained Elder in Full
Connection with the North Carolina Annual Conference of the Global Methodist Church.
Parker received his Bachelor of Arts in Religion from the University of Mount Olive in
2015, his Master of Divinity from Duke University in 2019, and his Master of Business
Administration from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington in 2023. He is also a
member of World Methodist Evangelism and a graduate of The River Network
International, where he answered the call and was trained and coached in church
Parker has had the joy of serving in various churches and roles in ministry, including
Sims Methodist Church (2016-2019), Piney Grove Methodist Church (2019-2024), and
as the Lead Presiding Elder of the Siler City District of the North Carolina Annual
Conference (2023-2024).
Yet, for all that he has accomplished, Parker says it is nothing compared to what God
has accomplished in and for us in Jesus’ perfect atoning sacrifice for sin and the
ministry of the Holy Spirit. Deeply passionate about worship, scripture, evangelism, and
relational discipleship, Parker hopes that all who attend or visit Risen Chapel encounter
the transformative grace of God, offered to all people, without price, in Jesus. Parker
prays that Risen Chapel will always be a church where the gospel is proclaimed, the
sacraments are administered, and passionate worship, extravagant love, and bold
witness are evident.
Parker’s hobbies include spending time with his family and dog Scooby, fishing,
traveling, and cheering on the Duke Blue Devils and Carolina Hurricanes whenever they
play. Some of his favorite scripture passages and verses are Psalm 91:1-16, Luke 15:1-
10, John 16:33, Romans 5:1-11, 1 John 4:7-20, and 1 Peter 1:3-8.
If you would like to contact Pastor parker, please email him at pastor@risenchapel.org